So you wish DB2 would do_______ (fill in the blank)

Posted Saturday, May 4, 2016

My Blogs

Everyone at sometimes wish is DB2 for z/OS would only do something…  There is always an operation , a feature, a function, a keyword that you wish was part of the product.   But what can you do?  You’re only one person.

Actually, you would be amazed what one person can do.   However, before you can gather support for your “movement”, you need to make your idea visible to the DB2 community.  Doing that may be far easier than you think.

Next time you have an idea that you know will benefit your shop that could also benefit the rest of the DB2 community, head over to the IBM RFE Community page at IBM developerWorks.

The RFE page, RFE is the acronym for Request for Enhancement,  is the starting point for working directly with IBM product development on a solution to suggestion while gathering support for your idea from the rest of the DB2 community.

Using the tabs at the top of the IBM RFE Community page, you have everything you need to let IBM know that you have a great suggestion that you want them to consider.

The first think I suggest you do is go to the SEARCH tab to verify that someone else hasn’t already submitted your idea or something close to your idea.   If you find something close, you can add comments to it.   Always keep in mind that there is strength in numbers.

However, if nothing from your search comes close to what you need,  move to the right one tab to SUBMIT.   Here you get to build an for your suggestion.   Remember, to give development as much information as possible.   Also, as you do your write up, considering focusing on the issue that you want to solve or circumvent, not the solution you want implemented.   If you do nothing more than tell them what you want changed, you may never get your RFE approved.    Your suggested solution may not be practical for some any number of reasons.  However, telling development what you need solved lets them turn on the creative juices.   These are sharp people who know their stuff.    Tell them what’s wrong and chances are they can tell you how it can be fixed.

BTW, if shift over right 2 more tabs to MY STUFF, you can track stuff you are interested in following and the stuff you submitted.

And that my finds is how easy it is to tell DB2 development how you would like to see DB2 function.

May 4th be with you…. (May 4, 2016)


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